Crisp Fall Days on the Farm
I was over by the rams yesterday and noticed a lot of activity. It seems as though some birds have developed a relationship with the woolier rams. They were picking and scratching through the rams’ …
I was over by the rams yesterday and noticed a lot of activity. It seems as though some birds have developed a relationship with the woolier rams. They were picking and scratching through the rams’ …
Jon and I took a trip to Rutgers to learn a little more about our hazelnut trees and to see the operation at the university. Dr. Tom Molnar, a professor at Rutgers knows EVERYTHING about …
Lindsay and Andrea, two of our vegetable farmers extraordinaire, organized a volunteer ‘gleaning’ day with Rolling Harvest. It was a huge success! The donated food will go to pantries, shelters and households in need – …
Today we got a visit from Doug Fisher, the Secretary of Agriculture for the State of New Jersey. Hopewell Borough Mayor, Paul Anzano, set up the meet-and-greet and we had the perfect day to show …
This time of year is very exciting on the farm. The turkeys, finally big enough to forage on their own and fend off a possible fox, are let out onto pasture. They are always tentative …