Today we got a visit from Doug Fisher, the Secretary of Agriculture for the State of New Jersey. Hopewell Borough Mayor, Paul Anzano, set up the meet-and-greet and we had the perfect day to show him our ‘terroir’: our land, our animals, our products and our excellent local staff!
It was a great opportunity to discuss our experiences both as farmers and retailers of farmed and locally-sourced products.
We kicked things off at the market.
He even sampled one of our vegetables juices. The jury’s still out on this one. All I can say is that he didn’t turn around and order a 16-oz serving of the Green Monster. But it’s an acquired taste!
We stopped by the farm afterward to see turkeys, chickens, sheep and pigs.
Thank you, Mayor Anzano for setting up this meeting and to Secretary Fisher for taking an interest in our operation. He left the visit by telling us he was ‘blown away’ by the operation. Not sure if this means we have to name a lunch special after him, but with an endorsement like that, I think Chase would consider it!
**Many thanks to Stephen Johnson (of the local Unionville Vineyards) for lending me his camera while mine is in the shop!!