A trip to the barn revealed over 100 lambs born in the past few weeks. And the lambs and ewes are doing so well. Of course, there are a lot of shenanigans…
Lambs and kids racing in circles and climbing all over the hay bales while their mothers watch. Then they find just about any spot to take a breather.
Some spots more interesting than others.
Plenty of nestling in the hay, especially after these past days of rain. And the bonding cycle continues as the lambing is done in waves.
Some of the bonding is between Brett and the kids!
They are pretty cute.
While the lambing is one of the most exciting events ushering in spring and the year ahead, the pigs are also quite prolific. This Blue Butt (yes, that's a breed) – Berkshire cross seems pretty lax with her litter of 13 piglets.
We're hoping for some sunshine and breezes to dry things out, one more cold snap to kill more bugs (and maybe skate on the pond) and then a cool, lush spring for the green grass.