Well, it was fast and furious. And we managed to get all the animals nestled into the trees, under shelters and in barns before the deep cold set in. First, a trip out to see the sheep. The wind was ripping!
But Bea was so glad to see us.
Before she went back to doing her job and minding the sheep.
The sheep were pretty glad to see us, too.
Then to the pigs, cows, sheep and chickens (and goats and ducks) at the Martin Tract.
Brr… We closed up the chickens for the night. And the pigs (especially these sows with new litters) are snuggled in their huts loaded with straw.
Finally, to the cows and sheep (all calves from Hun-Val Dairy Farm). Eating peacefully and sheltering near the hay.
All was well, so it was time to eat some dinner, warm up, and get ready for…POND HOCKEY! A great way to end a busy day: old school hockey with car lights shining on the pond. Happy new year everyone.