Well, we decided to commute to work at St. Michael’s after the last snow…
Of course, Jon and I seemed to really be ‘recreating’ and, moreover, ‘watching’ compared to Taylor, who was getting the cattle and sheep flerd moved, fed and watered.
When it’s this cold, the ice has to be broken up in their water basins and the lines have to be checked constantly for freezing. The flerd is fairly good at digging in the snow for the grasses underneath, but we roll out plenty of hay regardless.
I think they look forward to spring as much as we do!
Over by the vegetable garden, Andrew, Charlton and Justin are still harvesting out from under the snow…
Looks like fun, right? The carrots below are really at their peak of sweetness right now. The cold just concentrates their flavor. If you did a taste test of those bagged baby carrot niblets against these – you’d think the ‘baby’ carrots were actually from mature, ancient carrots. See for yourself!
Stop in at the market for our ‘Butcher’s Dinner’ of the day. Cole and the team have special roast dinners set up for you to grab, go and cook at home. Local, low cost, high flavor and easy. Which gives you more time for sledding!