Happy July!
I know it's been a while since we've posted goings-on at the farm. It's been a wild ride during these strange, unpredictable times. But, with the onset of summer and the ability to be outside, life has come back to resemble something close to what it was, with many modifications. Out story was captured by CNBC, who had video from before and during the seismic shifts we went through, and are still going through, as we respond to the pandemic. It's a great piece that features all layers of food businesses and suppliers.
Speaking of wild rides, our new summer help, all of whom have been quarantining together for months (thus no mask), has been assembled and are tackling assignments with gusto (or just driving equipment with gusto…).
The pigs are very happy that we just got a good soaking rain. No time like the present to lounge in the hay while being caressed by a cool summer breeze.
Or coat your skin with mud and settle into the shade.
Or perhaps take a nap. I just love how the larger piglet has his leg over the smaller one.
The nursery is full of new litters!
This is a very busy time on the farm and we are thankful that our businesses have been chugging along and our customers have been so supportive. Every day we seem to need to respond to something new that is out of our control, but our team has been amazing, as have our customers, in rolling with the punches and making things work. Thank you!