News & Events

Turkey Tip #1 – Order Your Turkey!

Robin McConaughy

Robin McConaughy

Turkey Order Link at bottom of post…AND HERE.

There has been a LOT of talk about the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving feast this year. Across the United States, several forces are working against a normal supply of our annual fall protein obsession. Namely: avian flu, high gas prices, drought affecting feed grains and more.

As a result, there have been journalists in and among the turkeys.

And there have been turkeys checking out journalists. Rebecca Jarvis was a very good sport when GMA came a few weeks ago.

Despite being on national television, and all the attention and flattery, our turkeys aren't letting it get to their heads. They are going about their business, eating a locally-grown non-GMO grain mixture and foraging for bugs (hopefully the Spotted Lanternfly).

Our farm, knock wood, has been spared some of these maladies, as we are local and our flocks are very healthy – out in the sunshine and fresh air.

So the only thing left to do now…is ORDER your fresh, heritage turkey from us for your Thanksgiving feast! As always, our birds are sold through Brick Farm Market (along with other sides, and goodies).  Select your pickup date and time and get ready for the best tasting, freshest, healthiest bird you can buy.

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