Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday, but preparing for it is a marathon on the farm! Every year at this time, we are chasing turkeys all over the place. They are in the woods, on equipment and vehicles, in the trees and throughout the pastures.
Turkeys are extremely curious and follow the farmers around as they do their chores, gobbling loudly as they go.
All of our heritage breeds (this year mostly Spanish Blacks, Bronzes and a few White Hollands) are raised on pasture and in woodlots. Their foraging is supplemented by a GMO-free, locally grown grain mixture. The birds are sold fresh (if I had a nickel for how many people have asked if the birds were sold live…). Check out all our options for ordering your entire meal for Thanksgiving: breads, pies, sweets, sides, salads, gravy, sauces, appetizers, cheese trays, hostess gifts and more).
To order, please visit and ORDER ONLINE. All orders will be taken online this year. However, if you have any questions, of course please do not hesitate to call. Orders taken until midnight, Saturday November 17!