News & Events

October This and That

Robin McConaughy

Robin McConaughy

** Quick Update: Our turkeys are limited – please remember to place your order through Brick Farm Butcher (CLICK HERE). Pick up will now be at the Ottoburger location at 65 E Broad Street (former home of the Brick Farm Market – so basically the same place you have always picked up your turkey from us!). If you have ordering questions, please email

As always, our heritage birds are raised outside on pasture in the fresh air and abundant sunshine. Their foraged diet is supplemented with a non-GMO grain blend that is grown for us by local farmers. No antibiotics, no hormones. Ever. Our birds are sold fresh and are truly the tastiest – and healthiest – birds you can buy.

Back on the fields…

Even though we need the rain, the animals have been luxuriating in the sunshine and crisp days.

We are busy tending to the turkeys and readying our plan for the holidays. I think our turkey crew is buttoned up with 3 returning high school and college students – in addition to staff – reclaiming their spots for the all-hands-on-deck weekend before Thanksgiving. Bringing in the brains AND the brawn!

With the shorter days and cooler climes, the animals are a bit less active and everyone is bedding down a bit earlier, even Farmer Jon. We'll need all the rest we can get for the holiday push.

** And a last PSA for NJ residents: Early Voting is here! Jon and I went to vote yesterday. It feels so fundamentally good bumping into your neighbors and exercising this civic right. I highly recommend early voting as there are shorter lines and you can vote at any of the locations in your county. Early voting goes until Sunday, Nov. 3 (you can only vote in your assigned district on Election Day – Nov 5). Find all the early voting info HERE.

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