There is a population explosion happening at the farm. Piglets, lambs and lambs and lambs, calves and…puppies!
Yes, we have our first litter here at the farm. Sassy had a litter 2 weeks ago and they are adorable, 100% Great Pyrenees fluffballs.
Sassy is doing great (but Brett might have lost some sleep).
Piglets of all kinds are in the barn. Here are some Berkshires with their mother. So darn curious.
And, of course, lambs upon lambs. We lamb just once a year and they all come in a big wave. Courtney sent this beautiful picture of a Katahdin ewe and her triplets basking in the sun and fresh green grass, entitled ‘Family Portrait'.
It's such a joy to walk among the lambs and hear them calling their mammas, finding them and then nestling in.
Speaking of the next generation, below are Brett and Chef Chase talking to local students about raising animals in a humane way and waste reduction in our vertical operation.