Well, it’s finally here!! Brick Farm Market, the dedicated purveyor of all things Double Brook Farm, will be open full time starting Tuesday September 3. We are so excited to be bringing product fresh from the farm to you on a daily basis! Below are the market hours (please note that we will always be closed on Mondays).
Tuesday – Friday: 7am – 7pm
Saturday: 8am – 6pm
Sunday: 8am – 3pm
And one of the things we will be featuring over the next several weeks is FRESH GINGER. Until recently, I had no idea that you could even grow ginger in New Jersey. This is where our 100-ft long sliding greenhouses work perfectly.
Below is a little tutorial on how to ‘pick’ (read: dig up) ginger, as demonstrated by Stephanie. First you take a pitchfork-like implement and loosen the soil around the ginger root.
Then pluck the root! Easy, right?
Now all you have to do is figure out how you want to use the ginger. Carrot-ginger soup? Candied ginger? Thai dishes? Drink garnishes? Grated into an herbal tea? Blended in with your juice? So many choices.
The root is much juicier than it’s cured cousin, so it works really well thrown right in the blender with your smoothie ingredients. You can even freeze it and grate it on dishes when needed! Ok, can you tell we’re all obsessed with the fresh ginger?
In other farm news, our feral cat, Romeo, has picked up a new friend (yet to be named) to help with rat and mouse catching in the barns. Any ideas for names? She’s very skittish and came to us very skinny. With some cat food few and some choice mice, she’ll fatten up nicely for winter!