I got a text from Brett over at the sow’s pen this week. They found a giant snapping turtle in with the pigs! Orlando was holding this hissing, snapping creature well away!
Photo by Brett Hansen
Look closely at this picture. Doesn’t this turtle remind you of something else? Something powerful and destructive, able to shoot plasma fireballs from his mouth while laying to waste to entire sections of Japan in the 60’s after being awakened by the detonation of an atomic bomb?? Yes, Gamera!!
Godzilla-genre movies aside, these turtles are nasty, live forever and have been reported to grow as large as 75lbs, live undetected in murky ponds and snatch unsuspecting small children birds and other mammals.
We’ve named him Sparky.
In other farm news, the garden is popping with flavors that are going directly to the market: kale, turnips, swiss chard, strawberries, garlic scapes, head lettuce, spinach and more!
The beets and fennel are oh-so-close. Check the Market website in the coming weeks under ‘What’s Fresh’ as Andrew provides me a list of what is coming in daily from the fields to the coolers.
The garlic scapes look good, but the strawberries look even better!
Justin and Patrick are out tending the pride of the vegetables fields – the no-till raised beds. Easy on the back, better for the soil.
Fennel, broccoli, swiss chard and kale are all thriving.