To prepare for the upcoming opening of the market and all the intense work that will entail, we decided to have a party Sunday to celebrate farmers, the market staff and their families. Dubbed ‘The First Annual Jerry Baker Invitational’ for the varsity-caliber soccer that was played, we had a perfect day.
Tim was here at 5:30am getting the smoker ready. Above with Chase and Cole, watching the meat and monitoring the ‘bark’.
SmokedMaeatWow! This wood-fired pork was exceptional. Here is Tim chopping it up.
The aroma brought people in from far and wide to eat and socialize.
Stephanie, Josh, Taylor and Kayla
Jerry and son Cameron
Bob, Stephanie, Bo and Karen
Everyone brought a side dish or dessert to supplement the pork. I think none were so busy as Karen. In addition to massive trays of cornbread, rolls and biscuits, her cupcakes left every single diet in its wake. No willpower could overcome these tasty mountains of sugary goodness. Just look at this array!
After a serious buffet, it was time for soccer. There were all winners on the green and red teams (though I will say that green did some substantial scoring…just saying’).
Sami never left the general area of the food (she was actually being quite naughty and had to have a canine ‘time out’).
All in all, evryone left happy, well-fed and hydrated and ready for a nap afetr and afternoon of basking in the sun!