News & Events

Blue Update and Pigs on Pasture

Robin McConaughy

Robin McConaughy

Double Brook FarmThis summer, everyone gets to go to summer camp. Even Blue, who will be attending ‘sheep herding camp’ in Ottawa for August and part of September. Not sure how she’s going to feel not sleeping on our bed (and chewing my shoes and digging up our flower beds…), but she’ll have to adjust. We think she’s going to love it! All she wants to do is herd.

Double Brook FarmHere she is in action…

Double Brook FarmAbove is ‘walk on’. Below is ‘Away’. And below that is ‘Come By’.

Double Brook Farm

Double Brook FarmThe command for ‘charge’ is something she’s just picked up and should be curbed of by the time she’s done with camp. We hope!

Double Brook FarmWait ’til she gets in with the sheep.

Double Brook FarmI was over at the fields and the piglets were hamming it up in the woods by the barn.

They were timid at first…

Double Brook FarmBut then came right over to investigate. I love the expression on the guy in the middle!

Double Brook FarmThe older, weaned pigs are taking full advantage of their wallows and shady spaces – and of the fresh grasses and roots that are all around the wooded areas.

Double Brook FarmBut that never really keeps them from getting a free snack!

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