Oh it’s so frustrating when those varmints are just on the other side of the fence. So close…
And yet, so far…
Blue tried for the better part of 45 minutes to get into the enclosure with the pigs.
Just to get one little nip at the heels in on all those tender hocks! But no.
In fact, she needs to steer clear of the animals until she is a good bit older. If she goes in with the animals when she’s too young and gets spooked, she might be afraid to herd.
But on the other side of the fence she’s fierce!
She even got Sarge and Sami into the action.
But at the end of the day, the pigs just came right up to the fence and trotted back and forth (in a taunting fashion, it seemed to me). Ho hum.
Back to the house for some TLC and positive reinforcement.