Every farm animal has it’s way of staying cool when the air is not moving and the mercury soars. These turkeys were alternating between hiding in the tall grass and frolicking in the rain water left over after the microburst of storm activity the day before.
The pigs, of course, have their wallow.
Creating the pigs’ wallow is one of the better (and more fun) tasks on a hot day. They go crazy running underneath the water (if you spray it up in a high arc, sprinkler style…) spinning and jumping.
And the goats are just hanging out in the woods, keeping to the shade…
The lambs and donkeys have ample shade in the trees, but when the sun goes down, they start moving again.
I’m not sure about the way Sassy’s ears are pointed backwards! The girls (Sassy and Bella) just don’t like anything coming between them and their charges.
But on a hot night, they can’t resist the temptation of snacks and a scratch and follow me all the way up the fence line.
Stay cool and keep to the shade. You might find something spectacular in the trees. These robins (which were just little blue eggs in the last post) hatched this week among the wineberries!