There is a lot of activity on the farm – even in the dead of winter.
We have a slew of ewes (that is a technical farm term…) which, unbeknownst to us, arrived pregnant. They began lambing in January and are almost done.
But babies are always fun. Even if they have to be bottle fed. These guys below think I might be their mommy, but lose interest quickly when they realize I have no bottles.
And the pigs are always having piglets. We have all ages right now.
Here is an hours-old Ossabaw litter that Brett risked life and limb to photograph.
We also have a new addition to the guard dog family. Faith came to us from another farm in PA that is ceasing operations. She is an amazing guard dog and has become best friends with Kasey.
The chickens aren't so sure.
But mostly, this time of year, the animals are just trying to get cozy.