Our Animals

We pasture-raise all of our animals right in Hopewell, New Jersey, on over 800 acres of owned and leased land, using the best sustainable and regenerative farming practices. The farm has pigs, sheep, chicken, turkeys, and limited cattle.

The animals on the farm are raised using a rotational grazing system or in wooded lots. This means they have some access to shelter, but are primarily on the open land, moving often (sometimes twice a day!) and foraging for part or all of their diet.


Our ruminants – sheep and cattle – are 100% grass fed. Our pigs, chickens and turkeys supplement their foraged diet with a non-GMO, locally grown feed of corn, soybeans, flax, alfalfa, and minerals.

We grind the feed ourselves, on demand, for the freshest product. We never use antibiotics or hormones.

Spring lambs! Katahdin sheep on pasture.


From the beginning of the farm, we have raised the Katahdin breed of sheep. A ‘hair’ sheep, they do not have wool but a coat of hair that gets a layer of dread locks in the winter.

The sheep come in all colors, and people often mistake them for goats. A medium-sized breed, the Katahdin produces superior meat when raised on pasture. Lambing season in February and March is a lesson in organization as the flock is generally increased by close to 200%.

Katahdin were a developed as a cross between what was called the ‘African Hair Sheep’ and many other traditional breeds such as Suffolk, Hampshire, and Southdown. They are named after Mt. Katahdin in Maine, which is a testament to their hearty nature and ability to withstand cold.


Berkshires and Ossabaw Crosses

We focus almost exclusively on the heritage Berkshire breed of pig. Berkshires adapt very well to outdoor farming, and we raise them in wooded lots where they can dig, forage and get ample shade.

Berkshire meat is known to be rich, savory and a bit darker than the pork you’ll see in the supermarket. Artisanal Berkshire meat is the most sought-after and versatile pork in top restaurants today.

A Berkshire hog on the left and an Ossabaw hog on the right

In addition to Berkshires, we also have some Ossabaw cross pigs. Ossabaw hogs are descended from the highly prized Iberian pig brought to our eastern shores with the Spanish explorers over 400 years ago. The flavor of this ancient breed is unrivaled.

Laying hens in the afternoon sun


Layers and Broilers

We raise a variety of chickens for both eggs and meat and are constantly experimenting with the ideal breeds for flavor. Our egg layers are out on pasture, giving them unfettered access to daily bugs, grasses and other foraged items to enhance their locally grown non-GMO grain diet.

The layers can be found in their enclosure, over by the pigs, in the woods and basically all over the place. But they do settle in by their roosts come nightfall, under the watchful eye of their guardian dogs.

We love hanging out in the chicken area and watching the daily squabbles, dust baths, and shenanigans these ladies get up to. The meat birds, once they are old enough to be outdoors, are moved in the chicken wagon so they can forage and scratch (and provide life-giving manure to the soil).


Black Spanish and Bronzes

The turkeys are by far the most social animals on the farm. All our turkeys are bred, laid, incubated, and hatched on the farm.

They are kept in a large, covered outdoor pen until they are big enough to defend themselves against predators. After that time, they can be found roaming, flying, and strutting all over the farm – even looking into the windows of our house!

Bronze and Black Spanish Turkeys

We sell our Thanksgiving turkeys fresh and take pride in gracing the holiday tables of so many of our friends and neighbors, as well as our own, with the best bird anywhere. Look for our turkeys on the news in the lead up to Thanksgiving – they turn into absolute celebrities.

Great Pyrenees
Cap, a Great Pyrenees, guarding his flock.

And we don’t raise them, but…


The farm ‘employs’ 9 guard dogs to keep predator pressure from foxes, coyotes, raccoons, hawks, and turkey vultures at bay.

We have both Great Pyrenees and Maremmas protecting our animals and it's amazing to watch them guard in such an instinctual way. Even though they work hard, they are true hams and love a belly rub!

shop our products

Butcher Retail Shopping And Direct From Farm Animal Shares

With retail shopping at Brick Farm Butcher or animal shares & large orders from Double Brook Farm, we've got you covered for all occasions with pork, lamb, chickens, and turkeys. When you buy a share of a pig or lamb, either a whole or a 1/2, you are getting all of the cuts – packaged and frozen – from the animal. Our on-farm USDA inspected facility is

fine dining

A True Farm To Table Experience In A Renovated 1800’s Farmhouse

In addition to our pastured meat, Brick Farm Tavern sources from and supports the local farming community, offering a menu loaded with the best flavors of the Hopewell Valley and beyond. Coined “one of the country’s truest pasture-to-table experience” – The Tavern is the perfect showcase for how our pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, eggs, and beef shine when given gourmet treatment, and is the only

shop our products

Butcher Retail Shopping And Direct From Farm Animal Shares

With retail shopping at Brick Farm Butcher or animal shares & large orders from Double Brook Farm, we've got you covered for all occasions with pork, lamb, chickens, and turkeys. When you buy a share of a pig or lamb, either a whole or a 1/2, you are getting all of the cuts – packaged and frozen – from the animal. Our on-farm USDA inspected facility is

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fine dining

A True Farm To Table Experience In A Renovated 1800’s Farmhouse

In addition to our pastured meat, Brick Farm Tavern sources from and supports the local farming community, offering a menu loaded with the best flavors of the Hopewell Valley and beyond. Coined “one of the country’s truest pasture-to-table experience” – The Tavern is the perfect showcase for how our pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, eggs, and beef shine when given gourmet treatment, and is the only

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Our Mission

The Food You Want From The Farmer You Know

Double Brook Farm works every day to provide the most delicious, nutrient-dense, and responsibly raised local food in the most sustainable way possible.

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