Our little nursery in the barn is overflowing! Piglets, calves, lambs and, shortly, a new litter if Great Pyrenees puppies will be among them.
First and foremost, one of our Chester White sows had 15 piglets. That is surely a record for us (and likely for her). Here she is taking a well deserved break…
There are calves and lambs still being bottle fed before they can go out on pasture. Courtney does the honors.
It never gets old to see the lambs ‘wag their tails' when they latch on.
Each waits their turn. Not always very quietly.
And finally, a first on the farm – a litter of Great Pyrenees puppies! Rafael and Sassy will become the parents of a litter due in a couple of weeks. Sassy came to us as a puppy…here she is at 12 weeks old. Just about the cutest thing you've ever seen.
She has turned out to be a great guard dog. Brett recently spotted her gently picking up a days-old lamb and bringing it to its mother. Right now she is in the barn and very anxious to get back to her herd. In the meantime, Brett has her right next to the calves in a pen nicely bedded down with hay and blankets. Updates to follow.